Friday, June 20, 2008

I am happy to teach you all - Upper Six Arts 4 and Lower Six Arts 3!

Friday, June 13, 2008

A true story...

"Sokreaksa Himm watched helplessly as the murderous Khmer Rouge wiped out most of his family. Decades later, he returned to Cambodia to confront the killers..."

"The chlops clubbed my mother, my sister and others, and they fell into the grave. All i wished for at that moment was to tell my mother how much I loved her.I wished we had been able to say goodbye."

"I sank down in despair, lying on top of the horribly mutilated bodies, waiting to be executed too." "After many years of suppression and living with anger and darkness. The desire for revenge meant that I was living with an unreal dream that one day I would be able to fulfill my promise of vengeance."

"I felt I had created an image of a prison in my head, and into that prison I put the images of my family's killers." In the 15 years since I had lost my family, every day I imagined butchering, axing, chopping and beating my family's killers in that prison."

Confronting a killer
"Do you remember how many people you killed that day?" "No, i don't remember." "There were 33 people, but only 32 died. I am the sole survivor." I asked Mao his feelings, but he showed no emotion, no regret and no remorse over what he had done. "How do you feel now that I have said I have forgiven you?" I asked. "Thank you," was all Mao said.

"I found it very difficult to get the words out as I stood before the man who had killed my father. My throat choked with unspoken words and my heart ached with pain."

Extracts adapted from Reader's Digest June 2008
  • Appreciate what you have, appreciate your love ones before it's too late.
  • Stop taking revenge. Revenge creates hatred, wrath and cruelness in you.You are no difference with a killer.
  • If you can't forget the one who hurts you, FORGIVE.
In conjunction with Father's Day, I would like to wish Happy Father's Day to all fathers in the world!And to my lovely daddy, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Love is in the air

Love: a temporary insanity, curable by marriage
Ambrose Bierce

Love at first sight is easy to understand; it's when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle.
Amy Bloom

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.
Annais Inn

I love thee, I love but thee
With a love that shall not die
Till the sun grows cold,
And the stars grow old...
Bayard Taylor

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.
Dennis Wetley

Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog, when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in and the great ship, tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore with plummet and sounding-line, and you waited with beating heart for something to happen? I was like that ship before my education began, only I was without compass or sounding line, and no way of knowing how near the harbor was. "Light! Give me light!" was the wordless cry of my soul, and the light of love shone on me in that very hour.
Helen Keller

[W]e all need friends with whom we can speak of our deepest concerns, and who do not fear to speak the truth in love to us.
Margaret Guenther

My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite.

"Romeo and Juliet"
William Shakespeare

Touching moment...

Wedding day.Waiting for the bridegroom to come-From the left: Rachel, Lee Fung, I, Shao Boon

Stepping into another stage of life.Congrats!

We are all happy for you, Little Red :)

A touching scene in which two hearts become one

There are two events that touch my heart - Graduation and Marriage. Both are touching and serious events which happiness is shared with your love ones. Both events are the biggest celebrations in life as we all struggle and strive very hard to obtain what we want.

We spend years to study and get good results in order to get into a university. We have to undergo ups and downs before we succeed. This is not easy. We must put strenuous effort and ample time to achieve what we want.Nothing is easy. We need to put some effort to get what we desire in life.

Wedding ceremony is an event which everyone shares your happiness and gives their blessings to you. It is a fantastic moment for married couples to express their love in front of the crowd; to witness their love. Marriage is an oath and a vow. It ties two hearts together. Similarly, both couples must work together in order to be happy in life. Perhaps, care, love, trust, respect and tolerance are elements which can lead to successful marriage.

This is why the saying goes, "to tie the knot" means to get married.

However, i haven't undergone both events yet :) I will experience one soon. But don't get me wrong, it is not the latter one :)