Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Memorable 24th Birthday~

I am 24th today (14 September 2008)! I wish that my family is always healthy,my relationship will last forever, my love ones, my friends and those whom I know are all healthy and well.THANK YOU for your presents.

Thank you Siew Hong and Rachel!

Sirloin Steak at Jambu, RM28

Shirley Temple & Lime Lychee

Carlo Rino Wallet,Thanks Dear.

A watch from my parents.Thanks!

A new pair of spectacles.Thanks Dear!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

The journey from Sematan to Kuching....

makes me think about life...

I felt a sense of tranquility, clamness and peace when i was driving home...I play my favourite CD (consists of all country songs) every time i go back to Sematan or return to Kuching. "Country roads,take me home, to the place I belong...."
The scenery is like a painting.; it looks like somebody has painted on it.Nicely.It is extremely beautiful!

630pm onwards
10 minutes have gone...the blue sky turns greyish...it started to rain...beautiful mother nature becomes fearful mother nature...calmness becomes darkness... I wanted to get rid of the place,a ghostly and spooky place...SCARY!I can't wait to reach home...it is no more beautiful, it is FEARFUL!

Everyone loves something that is beautiful.
Appreciate the beautiful and lovely things/moments that you have, beautiful things/ happy moments usually do not stay long; it is very short.It is temporarily.It is not lasting.It is NEVER FOREVER.

  • Cherish what you have now.
  • Love Mother Nature. Do not contaminate our earth anymore.