Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Long-lost Friend

I met a long-lost friend here, in Sematan. An ex-classmate of mine, Sally, is having her teaching practice at SJK Sematan. Coincidentally, she is staying at one of the teacher quarters in my school. A parasite actually:) haha.but I am glad that I met her here since we have lost contact since I quit Form Six and studied at IPBL.

Soon, she will be my counterpart in teaching profession. I wonder why she chose teaching profession as she had been working at a private sector for few years. That's where we started our conversation about teaching profession.

Tea.Tease.Teach: Why do you want to be a teacher at last?
Sally: There are many benefits for being a teacher.
Tea.Tease.Teach: *smile*

Tea.Tease.Teach: Since when you love teaching?
Sally: I don't know.I did choose "Education" when i filled in IPTA forms but I was not selected.How long have you been teaching?

Tea.Tease.Teach: This is my second year. 5 more months will be 1 and a half year.
Sally: life of teaching?

Tea.Tease.Teach: Depends on individuals. It can be challenging and it can be boring.
Sally: Is teaching profession stressful?
Tea.Tease.Teach: If you think teachers only teach, then, you better quit now.You will have unexplained stress. You have to take in all roles.You are not only a teacher; you are an actor; You are a clerk; You are a banker; You are their parents/ sisters. You are a role-model. You are a creator- Their parents create them, you help to shape them up. You create them too.
Sally: *nods nods smiles*
Tea.Tease.Teach: That's why we have got so many benefits...
Sally: I will experience soon.

I hope I did not scare her off. Haha.No lah, it's reality. It's good for her to visualize and understand better.

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